Sustainable Communities

Special Report 2022

Leading the way and embracing change and growth but doing it well and with a focus on high quality is the core of who we are, so it should come as no surprise that we applied these same principles to how we approach our responsibilities to be a good corporate citizen.

It became clear to us several years ago that it was no longer good enough to be a quality business with excellent attorneys, we had to be a socially responsible business as well. We knew that if we were going to do this we must make significant changes and we must do it well and with the same values and approach we hold dear. We were also clear that we wanted to build something that made a difference and that wasn’t superficial. This had to be done well and be real and credible.

We believe actions speak louder than words so we built the Forward Community Programme, invested significant sums of money and placed our approach to sustainable communities at the heart of our firm. This special report showcases our approach and what we have achieved so far, as well as some insight from the people that made it happen. We believe we’re leading the IP market in this space and we’re very proud of it.

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