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Callum Anderson

Callum Anderson

Our People

Callum Anderson

Associate, Patent Attorney



UPC Representative

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Our IP specialists work at all stages of the IP life cycle and provide strategic advice about patent, trade mark and registered designs, as well as any IP-related disputes and legal and commercial requirements.

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Callum has experience in the drafting and prosecution of patent applications in the UK and at the EPO. He has worked with a range of subject matters including medical devices, mechanical engineering, software and consumer products.

Areas of Expertise

  • Medical devices, such as medical imaging systems and medical sensors
  • Mechanical engineering and infrastructure installations
  • Computer Implemented Inventions, computer software and network solutions
  • Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
  • Consumer products


Callum has worked with a variety of clients, including SMEs and private inventors to large multinationals across the UK, Europe, the US and the Republic of Korea.


Callum has a degree in Physics from Imperial College London and was awarded Associateship of the Royal College of Science.

Callum qualified as a Chartered Patent Attorney in 2021 whilst working at another firm. He joined Mewburn Ellis in 2022 and also qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2022.