How we work with Our Clients

Our Approach

Every business is different. Needs, budgets and objectives vary. We will work with you to understand your requirements and put together the right multidisciplinary team to support you. All businesses are operating at one or more stages of what we call the IP Lifecycle. The stage you are at usually depends on the maturity of your business and your level of experience and sophistication around intellectual property rights. Our specialists ensure you benefit from “joined up” thinking when it comes to your IP strategy and work alongside you to support your business ambitions and growth plans.

Whatever your location, size, sector or commerical needs, we have someone that understands your business and your technology and can work with you to achieve your IP goals. Experts in IP we advise on patents, trade marks and registered designs, as well as any IP-related legal and commercial requirements, this includes dealing with IP disputes should they arise.  We will support you in all aspects of IP portfolio management working with you to integrate your IP assets into your business plan, to ensure its fully aligned to your future strategy.  We offer audits of your existing IP portfolio to help you identify what you currently have, providing strategic management advice and guidance along the way.

We build strong and long-standing relationships with our clients. Over one third of our clients have worked with us for over 20 years. Some of them started as small start-ups many years ago and we’ve stayed with them, working as an extension of their in-house teams and joining them on their business journey. Our clients tell us that we work with them as true partners. They trust us to give an honest opinion and not to sugar-coat our advice. They like that we offer fresh insights, contribute to their idea creation processes and provide business-minded solutions.

We understand that not all our clients have the resources of some of the large blue chip companies we work for and we are aware of the tight budgetary constraints facing some research departments and SMEs. We will tailor our work to a budget, but we will always look to deliver value through highly focused and commercially useful advice.

Our approach is always personal and client-focussed.  We offer clear points of contact with a dedicated client partner, attorney team, paralegal and a secretarial group to support you. Our paralegals carry out administrative and non-substantive work with minimal or no attorney involvement, therefore reducing costs and increasing efficiency in order to streamline our service offering. Our powerful case management system enables our attorney teams to check at any time exactly what is being undertaken and the progress of each element of the IP lifecycle allowing for effective and proactive management your IP portfolio.

Our attorneys are forward-thinkers, so can be counted on to be one step ahead, looking at how IP can benefit your business both now and in the future.  We’re known for providing clear, concise and to the point advice. We won’t crush new ideas at early stages, but from the outset we’ll be clear on what will and won’t work from an IP perspective.


What our clients say about us


Trade Mark Client

“I have worked with Mewburn Ellis for over 20 years, initially for patent advice, but in more recent years for significant trade mark advice... They have proven to be an extremely reliable partner with sound advice, complete clarity in complex matters and fair pricing.”


Life Sciences Client

“Our patent portfolio is our main asset as a business. The Investors are here because of our patents, it’s the first thing they asked for. Without Mewburn Ellis’s help in developing those patents we simply wouldn’t have got to where we are.”


Engineering Client

“I couldn’t be more impressed. They’re first division. A pretty professional outfit and, as such, they are the bedrock of our company. I honestly can’t think of a bit that they could do better.”


Chemistry Client

“The consistency provided by the team at Mewburn Ellis since 2000 has been critical for the development of our successful IP strategy. We are grateful for the expert guidance that we have had from the partners at Mewburn Ellis and continue to rely on their attention to detail in the filing and maintenance of our patents, trade marks and in related legal matters.”

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Mewburn Ellis


Mewburn Ellis Forward is a biannual publication that celebrates the best of innovation and exploration. Through its pages we hope to inform and entertain, but also to encourage discussion about the most compelling developments taking place in the scientific and entrepreneurial world. Along the way, we’ll engage with the IP challenges that international organisations face every day.