Engineering & ICT Patents

Our extensive expertise spans the full engineering, electronics, computing and materials fields






Partners/IP Directors






Technical Assistants



Offices in Europe

Advancements in the engineering and computing fields are taking place at lightning speed and paving the way for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. From artificial intelligence (AI) to cutting-edge materials, 3D printing to quantum computing, cryptographic methods such as Blockchain to bioinfomatics, the boundaries between the physical, digital and biological worlds are blurring. Our large and technically diverse engineering patent team has a wealth of experience across the board.

Our expertise spans the full engineering, electronics, computing and materials fields and the team has a reputation for providing high quality IP advice. Our clients are as varied as the technology areas we cover, ranging from international brands to innovative start-ups, including large automotive manufacturers and developers of pioneering medical devices. Our goal is to protect and defend their revolutionary engineering and electronic innovations to ensure enduring commercial success and recoup research and development costs.

Our approach is always personal and client-focussed. Every business is different. Needs, budgets and objectives vary. We work with our clients to truly understand their business aims and create multidisciplinary teams tailored to meet their specific requirements. Known for providing clear, concise and to the point IP advice we build strong relationships with our clients, that’s why so many choose to stay with us and consider us a trusted partner.

Engineering & ICT innovation focus

Electronics and Engineering icon oxblood

Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

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Emerging & Hi-Tech

Electronics and Engineering icon oxblood

ICT & Electronics

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Advanced Materials

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Medical Technology

Our Engineering & ICT Patent Specialists

Our engineering patent team has grown significantly in recent years to meet high client demand in this fast paced technology area, it's now almost 40 strong and spread across all five of our offices. Our patent specialists have a vast array of experience protecting engineering and electronics innovations. The team includes attorneys with degrees and in some cases PhDs in engineering and the physical sciences. We have some of the best and brightest minds in the IP profession, experts who truly understand the technical details of an invention and are highly skilled in drafting and prosecuting strong patents in order to protect our clients IP rights.

Renowned for being easy to work with, our engineering team take a straightforward, collaborative approach that delivers results. Working at all stages of the IP life cycle they have extensive experience of managing large, multijurisdictional IP portfolios. They can also offer advice on portfolio management to help you integrate your IP into your business plan, to ensure it is fully aligned to your future strategy. Many of the team are design specialists too, and highly-skilled in securing protection for design rights around the world - when time and money have been spent perfecting the aesthetics of a product, you need to make sure it won’t be copied.

Should disputes arise our engineering patent team have a proven track record of defending our clients’ patents against attacks by competitors, as well as attacking third parties’ rights. They are adept in preparing persuasive written submissions and presenting strong, legally and technically sound arguments which has resulted in an enviable success rate in opposition and appeal proceedings at the European Patent Office.

The team takes a joined-up approach to IP protection, working closely with colleagues across the firm to ensure our clients benefit from the depth and breadth of expertise available to support them. They will call on our legal services team for assistance with regulatory issues and IP exploitation and our trade mark attorneys for securing protection for trade marks in the UK, the EU, and internationally. Our trade mark team also has an excellent reputation for successfully handling complex and multi-jurisdictional disputes and negotiating settlement agreements working closely with our dispute resolution team.

The engineering team is proud of its flexibility and forward-looking approach in providing strategic IP advice to maximise potential, personalised to meet our clients’ specific needs, goals and ambitions.

So, whatever, aspect of engineering, electronics, computing or materials IP you’re looking to protect we will help you today, whilst anticipating the changes and challenges that will come tomorrow.


Talk to our Engineering & ICT IP experts

Whatever your location or size we have someone who understands your technology and can work with you to achieve your IP goals. Flexible in the way we work, we vary our input based on budgets and commercial objectives, building bespoke teams designed to meet your specific needs.

Not sure who to talk to? Please get in touch and I'll be happy to help.

Graeme Moore, Head of Engineering & ICT

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Mewburn Ellis


Mewburn Ellis Forward is a biannual publication that celebrates the best of innovation and exploration. Through its pages we hope to inform and entertain, but also to encourage discussion about the most compelling developments taking place in the scientific and entrepreneurial world. Along the way, we’ll engage with the IP challenges that international organisations face every day.