Community Giving:

Over £1M donated to charity since 2020

We give 1% of our profits each year and everyone that works at Mewburn Ellis has one community day per year to enable them to support causes they care about.

Community is important to Mewburn Ellis. For us this means nurturing our people, helping everyone develop and contributing to the wider communities in which we operate, as well as supporting worthy causes with time and money. We donate 1% of our profits to charity each year through our Forward Community Programme Charity Fund. Everyone that works at Mewburn Ellis has one community day per year to support causes they care about and we operate a Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme, so our people can donate to charities of their choice in a simple and tax effective way. Our combined community effort has amounted to more than £1,000,000 of investment since 2020.

We have a Community Champion that leads our activity and a group of people within the firm that support our community initiatives. Their role is to feed thoughts and ideas into the process and work closely with our chosen charities.

We support causes that are:

  • Relevant to our business and the sectors and technical areas on which we focus
  • Helping to get more people into IP and remove barriers to entry to our profession
  • Important to our staff, enable them to use their community day where possible
  • Support the local communities where our offices are based
  • In line with our inclusion and diversity goals and values
  • Focussing on the environment and tackling the climate crisis
  • Emergency situations where we believe providing urgent help is the right thing to do

Mewburn Ellis support the Sustainable Development Goals. Our community work delivers against ten of the seventeen goals. 



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Find out more about why community is so important to our firm


Charities we support:

Firmwide Charities

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Foodcycle Logo - Green Gradient

We work with The British Science Association (BSA) as our main firmwide charity on an ongoing basis. We have donated £128,000 over the last three years to help young people, no matter what their background, get into science. The BSA’s mission is to transform the diversity and inclusivity of science; to reach under-served audiences; and to increase the number of people who are actively engaged and involved in science. We are proud to be a national sponsor of their CREST Awards. More details about our relationship can be found in our blog post and our CREST Awards partnership project report outlines some of the amazing work that our funding has achieved.

Firmwide Charities for 2022-23

This year we had a focus on looking beyond our own shores and felt we should do more to support the people of Ukraine.

Additional Firmwide Charities for 2023-24

This year we have chosen to focus closer to home and to help support the cost of living crisis.

  • We have donated £20,000 to UK based charity FoodCycle. Their vision is to make food poverty, loneliness and food waste a thing of the past for every community. They connect communities, reduce loneliness and food poverty – working with thousands of volunteers and surplus food to help everyone who needs them.

Local Office Charities

Our people choose the charities they support at a local, office level. Each office creates a short list of charities they want to support for a two year period. One charity is then chosen by each office vote and we support that charity with £30,000 to each over two years. We also try where possible to help out and use our volunteering days to support these charities. For our 2020 choices we chose to support the charities for three years as Covid stopped a lot of activity we would have otherwise undertaken. 

Choices for 2023 to 2025

London chose the National Brain Appeal. A charity that raises funds for Queen Square,  one of the world’s leading centres for the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with neurological and neuromuscular conditions including stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain cancer, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.

Bristol chose thSpringboard Opportunity Group. This charity provides families in Bristol with children with additional needs and disabilities the opportunity to learn and develop. 

Manchester chosthe Booth Centre - a homeless charity based in Manchester city centre. Their work is able to directly benefit the homeless people that our staff see on the streets when making their way into the office. 

Cambridge chose the Cambridge City Foodbank. Cambridge is one of the highest cost of living cities  in the UK with extremely high socioeconomic disparity. The foodbank provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. 

Munich chose Die Arche, a children's charity committed to improving the living conditions of disadvantaged children and families in Germany. 


Choices for 2020 to 2023

Bristol: Help Bristol Homeless a charity that supports homeless and raising awareness of homelessness in Bristol by providing a gated community of 15 self contained flats.

Cambridge: East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, which cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, and supports their families.

London: Shelter from the Storm, an emergency night shelter located not far from our London office, providing bed, dinner and breakfast for 38 homeless people every night of the year.

Manchester: The Christie Charitable Fund, a Manchester based hospital, which provides cancer care, research and education.

Munich: KARLA 51 Women’s Shelter, a Munich based, women only shelter supporting women and children and providing beds for 55 women each night.





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Three Colour Cambridge City


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Inclusion & Diversity Charities

We have also made donations of between £5-25K to each of the following charities in support of the overall aims of our community programme with a focus on diversity, inclusion and sustainability: These charities have been nominated by our I&D Collaboration Group.

Prince's Trust

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Speakers for Schools
Heard logo
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Gendered Intelligence | LinkedIn

Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation


Women of Mewburn Ellis Network Charities

As part of our commitment to women at the firm we also allocate community funds to specifically support women's charities.  These charities are nominated and voted for by our women’s group the WoMEn of Mewburn Ellis Network. Each charity has received a donation of between £3,000-£5,000.


Fawcett Society logo

The Menopause Charity launches in the UK - Lawley Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd

Endometriosis UK
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Environmental & Animal Charities

We're passionate about the environment and making a difference in this important area. Charity is an important part of this. We're delighted to be supporting Support Dogs this year by sponsoring a puppy through it's training. It costs £20,000 to train a life changing support dog partnership and we're delighted to have been able to do this. 

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The Climate Coalition
Marine Conservation Society
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Read our Community Giving Blogs

British Science Association CREST Discovery Day in our Bristol office

British Science Association CREST Discovery Day in our Bristol office

by Maria Hall

On Tuesday 20 February 2024, we were thrilled to welcome 28 students from Kings Oak Academy to our Bristol office for a British Science Association (BSA) CREST Awards Discovery Day.

Bristol office selects Springboard Opportunity Group as their chosen charity to support

Bristol office selects Springboard Opportunity Group as their chosen charity to support

by Maria Hall

This year, our Bristol office voted for Springboard Opportunity Group as their office charity. We have made a £15,000 donation to the charity for this financial year – this is enough to fund a week ...

Supporting Guts UK and their research into the gut microbiome

Supporting Guts UK and their research into the gut microbiome

by Rebecca Brooks

We’re pleased to announce that we have started a new charity partnership with Guts UK. Guts UK was founded in 1971 and is the only UK charity funding research into the digestive system “from top to ...

A leap forward in slowing down Alzheimer’s

A leap forward in slowing down Alzheimer’s

by Alice Jefferies

This summer has seen a major leap forward in slowing the rate of progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Mewburn Ellis donate £219,000 to charity partnerships for 2023/2024  — over £790,000 donated since 2020

Mewburn Ellis donate £219,000 to charity partnerships for 2023/2024  — over £790,000 donated since 2020

by Maria Hall

To mark the International Day of Charity (September 5th), we are delighted to announce a commitment of £219,000 to our charity partnerships for 2023/2024 through our Forward Community Program Charity ...

Cambridge office selects Cambridge City Foodbank as their chosen charity to support

Cambridge office selects Cambridge City Foodbank as their chosen charity to support

by Maria Hall

Our Cambridge office has chosen Cambridge City Foodbank as one of our local charities and we have made a donation of £15,000 this year and a commitment to contribute the same next year.

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Charity during the Coronavirus:

Committed to our Communities

We believe that businesses are defined by how well they handled themselves during this challenging time. Like many others we had to make tough decisions and work together to evolve how we operate and manage our work and people.

We believe we did this well and feedback from our people and our clients reinforces this. But beyond our own firm we wanted to contribute and do our bit for the larger community. Many of our people were helping in their own ways from raising money to volunteering and even 3D printing masks at home. We fully supported this and each of our team have a day they could use to support a cause of their choice.

In addition to this we redirected some of our firmwide charity budget to support Coronavirus related campaigns. We chose a broad spread as we felt there were many areas that really need help. 

We chose to support the following charities with donations and we also matched any donations our people make to these causes:


Richard Clegg - Managing Partner

Sustainable Communities Mock-Up

Our approach to our Forward Community Programme:

  • Details of our commitments around I&D with a summary of work completed so far, as well as a summary of our strategy for the future. 

  • Our full Gender Pay Gap data since we started reporting in 2019

  • A summary of our community giving and payments made by charity over the last 2 years, totaling over £600,000

  • Our Five Step Climate Action plan, details about our Mewburn Forest and our first Energy & Carbon Report

Talk to us about our Community Giving

Forward Magazines Overlapping 8

Mewburn Ellis


Mewburn Ellis Forward is a biannual publication that celebrates the best of innovation and exploration. Through its pages we hope to inform and entertain, but also to encourage discussion about the most compelling developments taking place in the scientific and entrepreneurial world. Along the way, we’ll engage with the IP challenges that international organisations face every day.