Check out the Mewburn Forest!

We committed to plant a tree for every new matter we’ve opened since April 2021. Two-and-a-half years on and we’re delighted to be looking at an Ecologi Mewburn Forest of over 54,000 (as of 8 May 2024) trees (and counting!). A big thank you is due to everyone we work with for helping us grow this forest.

Reforestation projections are part of the essential work of restoring habitats, encouraging biodiversity and protecting the earth. More than that - they can bring beauty to landscapes that have been depleted by tree loss.

Importantly, there’s no once-size-fits-all approach. Reforestation involves different mixtures of trees on different sites in the UK and abroad. Supporting a variety of projects means wider-spread local and global benefits.

Here in the UK reforestation involves the planting of native broadleaf woodlands which provide essential habitats for our lichens, beetles, birds, mammals (and more!). The Mewburn forest trees find their home in Scotland, as part of projects to create woodland and enhance wetlands and wildflowers.

Most trees in the Mewburn Forest are outside the UK where they impact local communities as well as wildlife. In Kenya and Ethiopia reforestation projects involve local communities in restoring degraded land where forests once stood. By providing important protective habitats for fish, coastal projects such as mangrove planting in Madagascar support the ecosystem at sea as well as on the land while providing protection from flooding.

Funding the planting of these trees goes beyond the physical act of putting a seedlings in the earth. The reforestation projects involve setting up nurseries by preparing and caring for the trees as well as involving local people for long term success.

Although reforestation is a great way to help the planet, we recognise it is not the only way. In addition to our tree planting project, we’re working hard to reduce our waste and carbon emissions as part of our transition to net zero. For the carbon we do produce we reduce our impact through carbon removal and avoidance projects. Read more about our sustainability targets here.

Thanks for helping us grow the Mewburn Forest!