For an undergraduate scientist, the answer to the question “What is graphene?” is perhaps all ironed out. This material, one million times thinner than paper and the ‘strongest material known to man’, is an allotrope of carbon, made up of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.
But whilst that’s one (strict, technical) definition of ‘true’ graphene, in reality the term is used liberally to describe a plethora of different materials. ‘Graphene’ has transformed into an umbrella term to describe a family of graphene-like materials which can differ in formation method, size, shape, type and nature of defects, and purity (to name just a few).
Importantly, not all practical applications of ‘graphene’ necessarily require pristine, monolayer, graphene and, as the number of new applications for these ‘wonder’ materials increase, and as many producers race to meet demand, a common understanding of what ‘graphene’ means, exactly, is essential to avoiding ambiguity.
It may seem a distraction to exciting technical progress, but the process of standardisation in fact enables commercialisation, scale-up and further innovation. For example:
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL), in partnership with the University of Manchester and in collaboration with producers such as First Graphene Ltd., has been working towards this goal, with a real-world, commercial outlook.
The process of standardisation is by no means trivial, with the need to balance what is theoretically achievable with what is really required in the market, and allowing these standards to enhance and enable, rather than stifle, growth. Developing rigorous standards with multiple stakeholders (more than 30 countries sit on the technical committee for nanotechnologies) takes a long time; developing each ISO standard can take between 2 and 5 years.
The initial focus of the NPL has been on what measurements to perform, and how to perform those measurements to the highest level of accuracy and precision.
These ISO standards set the definitive methods by which graphene, bilayer graphene, and graphene nanoplatelets, synthesised from powders or dispersions and by chemical vapour deposition, can be characterised, measuring properties such as the number of layers, the lateral flake size, the level of disorder, layer alignment and specific surface area. An ongoing process of verification of those standards, orchestrated by the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS), takes place in labs worldwide. The standards are by no means static and respond to improvements in technology that allow the uncertainty to be reduced further, and for improved differentiation.
Just as new standards continue to be developed for carbon nanotubes, a technology considered to be at least 13 years older than graphene, we can expect to see the standards for the graphene field continuing to develop and grow.
The evolution in measurements on, and definitions of, ‘graphene’ give scientists and engineers a deeper understanding of, and confidence in, the materials that they use. This encourages investigation into new applications, and into how different properties of graphene affect product performance and characteristics. For that reason alone, we can expect the number of patents filed in this area to expand as standardisation matures.
From the Patent Attorney’s perspective, the standardisation process increases the level of detail we can use to define ‘graphene’ in those patent applications. It can give us features that we can use to argue for novelty and inventive step – so long as we robustly define those measurements and demonstrate a technical effect.
For example (and of course subject to international variation between patent offices!):
Patent A, describing ‘graphene with a lateral flake size of 3-5 µm” may be considered novel over Patent B, describing “graphene with a lateral flake size of 1-20 µm”
Thus, standardisation both encourages innovation and provides us with the tools we need to protect those innovations.
There’s plenty of room for the ‘thinnest and strongest material known to man’ to support new inventions and new patent filings. Standardisation is well recognised to accelerate the commercialisation of new materials, and we’re therefore at an exciting point in the field of graphene research.
If you’re an innovator in the graphene space, then we would love to hear from you.
Sarah is a trainee patent attorney working in the area of chemistry. She has developed expertise in fields spanning chemistry, life sciences and engineering, including bioprinting, microfluidics, genetic sequencing, and digital pathology.
Email: sarah.morrow@mewburn.com
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