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Toby Hill

Toby Hill

Our People

Toby Hill

Associate, Patent Attorney



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Toby is a patent attorney in our engineering and ICT team. He works on patent drafting and prosecution before the UKIPO, EPO and USPTO as well as large-scale freedom to operate (FTO) projects including patent landscaping and competitor awareness reports.

Areas of Expertise

  • Aerosol-generating devices
  • Patent data processing and visualisation


Toby works with a range of clients in the UK, Europe, the US and Japan. They include consumer electronics companies, multinational engineering conglomerates and SMEs.


In 2024, Toby was awarded two prizes by the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys for his performance in the 2023 Final Diploma exams – the Gill Prize for the highest aggregate mark and the Michael Jones Prize for the highest mark in the amendment paper.


Toby has an engineering degree from the University of Cambridge. His master’s research project was based at the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure & Construction (CSIC) and involved the development of a new vibration serviceability assessment device using prototype, ultra-low noise accelerometers.

He joined Mewburn Ellis in 2021.