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William Hey

William Hey

Our People

William Hey

Associate, Patent Attorney



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Our IP specialists work at all stages of the IP life cycle and provide strategic advice about patent, trade mark and registered designs, as well as any IP-related disputes and legal and commercial requirements.

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William is a qualified UK and European patent attorney in our engineering team. He has experience working at all stages of the patent application process across a range of mechanical and electronic technologies. William focusses on understanding the business needs of his clients to ensure that IP and patents support their wider commercial strategy.

Since 2022 William has undertaken a part-time secondment with a multinational FTSE 100 company, supporting them with their growing consumer electronics business. He works closely to support the in-house patent department where he has gained extensive experience in developing IP strategies, conducting efficient invention capture and patent portfolio management. In particular, William has facilitated a value-based review of a patent portfolio of over 2000 documents by developing a deep understanding of our client’s business.

Through his secondment experience, William has developed extensive insight into the commercial, legal and technical challenges facing businesses, not often found in a private practice patent attorney.

Areas of Expertise

  • Automotive engineering, including safety equipment and vibration isolation systems
  • Consumer electronic devices and associated products, including hardware, control electronics and firmware
  • Sporting equipment including personal protective equipment
  • Medical devices and laboratory equipment
  • Marine engineering


William works for a range of clients including large multinationals across Europe and UK-based SMEs and research groups. William has experience working with overseas clients and attorney firms, particularly in Japan and the US.


William has a MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College London where his project work focussed on designing robotic systems for transportation and manipulation. As an undergraduate researcher he co-authored a research paper describing a biomimicking design for mechanical knee joints.

William joined Mewburn Ellis in 2019. In 2023 he qualified as both a Chartered UK Patent Attorney and a European Patent Attorney.