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Rachel Oxley

Rachel Oxley

Our People

Rachel Oxley

Partner, Patent Attorney



UPC Representative

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Our IP specialists work at all stages of the IP life cycle and provide strategic advice about patent, trade mark and registered designs, as well as any IP-related disputes and legal and commercial requirements.

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Rachel leads our London engineering team, carrying out patent and design work in the engineering, chemical and materials sectors. She has experience in original drafting, prosecution, opposition and appeals, as well as providing IP strategy and worldwide portfolio management for UK clients. Rachel also handles opinion work including management and coordination of large scale, multi-jurisdictional FTO opinion work.

Areas of Expertise

  • Medical devices
  • Beverage transport, dispense and packaging 
  • Sportswear and sporting goods
  • Next generation tobacco and nicotine products
  • Access and evacuation products
  • Gas turbine engine components and composite materials for aeronautical applications


Rachel works with UK SMEs, multinationals and universities. She has a particular interest in working with clients in Australia, Taiwan and India, and regularly visits those countries.


Rachel has a degree in chemistry and a PhD in polymer chemistry from the University of Durham. She joined Mewburn Ellis in 1998 and later qualified as a Charted Patent Attorney and a European Patent Attorney in 2002.

Rachel spent nearly two years working in an Australian patent attorney firm before returning to Mewburn Ellis in 2006 and joining the partnership in 2007. She regularly attends APAA and other international conferences.


Rachel has been recognised in IAM Patent 1000 - 2022.

“has an unprecedented ability to put complex inventions on paper and an exemplary approach which is logical and underscored by a high level of understanding” - IAM Patent 1000, 2021