Tom Furnival - February 14, 2024 The major players in the SEP landscape in Europe Next in our series of blogs, we have investigated the major players in the SEP landscape in Europe.
Tom Furnival - December 19, 2023 How does declaring a patent or application as “essential to a standard” affect the pre-grant experience of an application? – Part 3 This article continues our series of blogs investigating whether or not declaring your patent or ...
Tom Furnival - September 20, 2023 How does declaring a patent or application as “essential to a standard” affect the pre-grant experience of an application? – Part 2 This article is the latest in a series of blogs exploring whether declaring your patent or ...
Tom Furnival - August 7, 2023 How does declaring a patent or application as “essential to a standard” affect the pre-grant experience of an application? This article is the latest in a series of blogs exploring whether declaring your patent or ...
Charlotte Lynch - August 16, 2022 Standards, SEPs, and FRAND agreements - an overview The terms “standards,” “SEPs,” and “FRAND agreements,” are increasingly being mentioned in the ...
Tom Furnival - December 17, 2020 Ericsson accuses Samsung of un-FRAND-ly patent negotiations Following on from Unwired Planet v Huawei, Ericsson have launched a complaint in the US District ...
Christoph Moeller - December 1, 2020 Düsseldorf Regional Court refers Nokia vs. Daimler licensing dispute to CJEU As anticipated, the Düsseldorf Regional Court, in its decision Nokia ./. Daimler (4c O 17/19) ...
Tom Furnival - August 26, 2020 Unwired Planet v Huawei – the Supreme Court’s FRAND(ly) judgement Published Wednesday 26th August 2020, the Supreme Court has handed down their long anticipated ...
Christoph Moeller - August 18, 2020 Nokia vs. Daimler - FRAND defence does not apply Breaking News in Nokia vs. Daimler (2 O 34/19) - (FRAND/SEP case)
Christoph Moeller - July 15, 2020 Landmark judgement in German FRAND case Sisvel vs. Haier On May 5, 2020, the Cartel Senate of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) held the oral hearing ...
Christoph Moeller - October 26, 2019 FRAND Licensing of SEPs in the age of connected cars Cars are developing more and more into computerized mobile platforms. They relieve the driver of ...
Christoph Moeller - December 11, 2018 Future mobility: the new direction of transport Massive social, economic and technology trends are converging to change mobility - how we move ...